Warning_0=Your source folders may contain special characters:^A '%' refers to your CD-ROM or removable drive^A '$' refers to the Smart Pix folder
; _WarningSlideshow=1;
Warning_1=This function will show your files in the order specified by the buttons on your slideshow toolbar (forward, backward or random). To stop the slideshow, click the slideshow button or press the 'Esc' or 'Alt+S' key
; _WarningRename=2;
Warning_2_Title=Batch Renaming
Warning_2=You can also batch rename multiple files by selecting them all and clicking 'Rename'
; _WarningFavorites=3;
Warning_3_Title=Favorite Folders
Warning_3=Favorites is a list of folders that you frequently use. To add a folder to your Favorites list, select it and click 'Add Folder'. To change to one of your Favorite folders, select it from the drop down list
; _WarningMultipleSelection=4;
Warning_4_Title=Selecting Multiple Files
Warning_4=You can select and use more than one file at a time:^- To select more than one file hold down the Ctrl key as you click each new file^- To select a row of files, click the first file normally, then hold down the Shift key as you click the last file
; _WarningMultipleSearch=5;
Warning_5_Title=Selecting Multiple Keywords
Warning_5=You can select more than one keyword by holding down the Ctrl key while you click each keyword
; _WarningDatabaseInsertion=6;
Warning_6_Title=Inserting Files into your Database
Warning_6=To add all the files in the selected folder to your database, click this 'Add Folder' button. You can add just selected files to your database, by clicking Ctrl+D or the 'Add File to DB' button on the main toolbar
; _WarningMultishow=7;
Warning_7=This function will display multiple images in the order specified by the buttons in your slideshow options. Please note that all file types other than images will be IGNORED. To stop the Multishow click the slideshow button or press the 'Esc' or 'Alt+S' key
; _WarningNewWindow=8;
Warning_8_Title=New Windows
Warning_8=Your new image window will use your default settings for toolbar window size. To change your defaults, click the 'Save Settings' button.^NB: If the 'Resize new window to image size' option is on, your default window size settings are ignored.
; _WarningModeOne=9;
Warning_9_Title=Search Mode
Warning_9=Search mode allows you to locate files of specified keywords within your database by selecting the desired keywords and clicking 'Search'
; _WarningModeTwo=10;
Warning_10_Title=Database Mode
Warning_10=Database mode displays all files stored within your database. You can perform a search to limit the display of files to your requirements
; _WarningModeThree=11;
Warning_11_Title=Folders Mode
Warning_11=Folders mode allows you to view files on your system by browsing through your folders. Select a folder in the left pane to see a list of all the files it contains
; _WarningModeThree_SPM=12;
Warning_12_Title=Folders Mode
Warning_12=Folders mode allows you to view files on your system by browsing through your folders. Select a folder in the left pane to see a list of all the files it contains
; _WarningModeFour=13;
Warning_13_Title=Favorites Mode
Warning_13=Favorites mode displays files that you have 'marked' in folders mode (so that you can view them again later). To mark a file as a favorite select it and click 'File>Add to Favorites'
; _WarningModeFour_SPM=14;
Warning_14_Title=Favorites Mode
Warning_14=Favorites mode displays files that you have marked in the other modes (so that you can view them again later). To mark a file as a favorite select it and click 'File>Add to Favorites'
; _WarningBatchConversion=15;
Warning_15_Title=Batch Image Conversion
Warning_15=You can also automatically resize, rotate, flip or convert a series of images by selecting them all and clicking Image>Batch Conversion
; _WarningDescription=16;
Warning_16_Title=Viewing File Information
Warning_16=You can view the description of the current file by hovering the mouse over the filename in the status bar or by displaying the description toolbar (Press the Shift+D key).
; _warningimport=17;
Warning_17_Title=Note: Importing Text Files
Warning_17=Please note that each line of the file being imported must contain a single entry, in particular, if you have descriptions that span several lines within the import file, it will not be imported correctly.
; _WarningFullScreen=18;
Warning_18_Title=Full-Screen Mode
Warning_18=Full-Screen mode removes the menu and file list to provide more space to display your image. You can continue to browse your files using the Left and Right cursor keys or the wheel on your mouse. Click 'Esc' to return to normal mode
; _WarningHideAll=19;
Warning_19_Title='Hide All' Mode
Warning_19='Hide All' mode displays your files full-screen. You can view the toolbar by moving the cursor to the top of the screen, or the status bar by moving to the bottom. Click 'Esc' to return to normal mode
; _WarningResizeAttrib=20;
Warning_20_Title=Changing the size of your image
Warning_20=If you change the size of your image using the Image Attributes dialog, the image will not be stretched to the new size. In general you should use the Resize method (Image>Resize) so you maintain the content of the image.
; _warningcolor=21;
Warning_21_Title=Insufficient Color Depth
Warning_21=Windows is currently set to display only 256 colors, you should change this settings to 65,536 (16 bit) colors (or higher) to improve image quality. You can do this by clicking the Display icon under Start Menu>Settings>Control Panel
; _WarningMinimize=22;
Warning_22=Getting Started will minimize. Press 'Ctrl+W' to redisplay it or select Getting Started from under Windows on the Smart Pix Menu.
; _warningthumb=23;
Warning_23_Title=Thumbnail Display
Warning_23=If you find the display of thumbnails too slow, you should optimize your settings (under File>Options) for the caching and background loading of thumbnails
; _WarningAVIFrames=24;
Warning_24_Title=Viewing AVI Frames
Warning_24=You can view the individual frames of this AVI file by selecting Multimedia>View AVI Frames from the menu
; _WarningAnimGIF=25;
Warning_25_Title=Animated GIF Editing
Warning_25=You can edit the frames of this Animated GIF by selecting Image>Edit GIF Frames from the menu
; _WarningQuickMove=26;
Warning_26_Title=Quick Move Function
Warning_26=Note that you can also move and copies files by selecting the files and then double clicking a folder in the Quick Move/Copy Flyover Tool. You can display this Tool by selecting View>Flyover Tools>Quick Move/Copy from the menu
; _WarningVideoCapture=27;
Warning_27_Title=Video Frame Capture
Warning_27=If you want to use a frame from this video as a thumbnail, pause it at the desired frame and then select Thumbnails>Capture Frame to Thumbnail. You can also save and print frames by selecting the relevant option from the Multimedia menu
; _WarningMp3WmaRenaming=28;
Warning_28_Title=Batch Renaming of MP3 and WMA Files
Warning_28=You can automatically rename a selection of MP3 and WMA files using the embedded music files (such as song name and artist). Select File>Rename, 'MP3/WMA Renaming' tab for more information
; _WarningOptionHints=29;
Warning_29_Title=Getting More Information
Warning_29=Remember that you can get more information on a particular option by hovering the cursor over it
; _WarningRedisplayToolbars=30;
Warning_30_Title=Redisplaying your Flyover Tool
Warning_30=You can redisplay this flyover tool by selecting it again under View>Flyover Tools on the menu
; _WarningCanUndo=31;
Warning_31_Title=Undoing your Changes
Warning_31=You can undo your changes to this image by selecting Edit>Undo Changes from the menu
; _WarningAdvancedSave=32;
Warning_32_Title=Saving JPEG Files
Warning_32=Please note that if you choose to display the advanced save dialog, you will NOT be prompted to provide a JPEG quality setting when saving JPEG's, you must do this by clicking 'Advanced..' in the save dialog
; _WarningRepackDatabase=33;
Warning_33_Title=Reclaiming Disk Space
Warning_33=You are removing files from your database. To reclaim the space that these files occupied you will need to optimize your database. To do this select Database>Update Database
; _WarningDefaultKeywords=34;
Warning_34_Title=Addition of Default Keywords
Warning_34=This dialog allows you to add default keywords to your source folders by selecting the folder(s) and then clicking 'Edit Default Keywords'. The default keywords will be added to all files inserted from that folder
; _WarningFastNeedEdit=35;
Warning_35_Title=Image Reloading
Warning_35=Because you are using the Fast Loading Option (Image>Fast Loading) the image will need to be reloaded so that your changes are made to the original
; _WarningFastNeedzoom=36;
Warning_36_Title=Image Reloading
Warning_36=Because you are using the Fast Loading Option (Image>Fast Loading) to zoom in on the image, it will need to be reloaded so that it is displayed with its full quality
; _WarningFastLoading=37;
Warning_37_Title=Fast Loading
Warning_37=Fast loading is not activated unless you are using the shrink to window option. You can enable this using View>Shrink All to Window
; _WarningBigMMFile=38;
Warning_38_Title=Large Multimedia Files
Warning_38=By default, multimedia files which are very large will be launched to the default windows player rather than played natively. You can disable this function under File>Options, Other, Advanced...
; _WarningDuplicateChecking=39;
Warning_39_Title=Building of Checksums
Warning_39=If this is the first time you have run the duplicate check function and are not using the 'Create Checksum on Insertion' option then duplicate checking will take longer than usual as new checksums will need to be generated for all of your files
; _WarningLargeDatabase=40;
Warning_40_Title=Speeding up Database Loading
Warning_40=Due to the large number of files within your database you may be finding Smart Pix performing quite slowly. If this is the case, please set the Database Performance settings in 'Advanced Options' (under the 'Other' tab of File>Options)
; _WarningEmailSending=41;
Warning_41_Title=E-mail Sending
Warning_41=You can speed up the sending and receiving of your e-mails by converting them to JPEG format and making them smaller. If you want this to be done automatically when e-mailing set the E-mail Sending setting under File>Options, 'Other' tab
; _WarningMP3_SPM=42;
Warning_42_Title=MP3 Features
Warning_42=To edit the tags of this MP3 file (such as Artist, Title, etc) click File>File Information, Music Fields. You can even automatically add these tags to your database as keywords when inserting MP3 files by setting an option under File>Options, Database
; _WarningMP3_MGV=43;
Warning_43_Title=MP3 Features
Warning_43=MegaView allows you to view and edit the tags of MP3 files (such as Artist, Title, Album, Genre, etc). Click File>File Information, Music Fields to do this.
; _WarningFullDetails=44;
Warning_44_Title=Full File Details Mode
Warning_44=This mode allows you to quickly view and sort files by their name, size, type... To Sort files just click on the relevant column heading. You can choose what columns do show by selecting View>Display Columns...
; _WarningTIFF=45;
Warning_45_Title=Multi-Page TIFF File
Warning_45=The TIFF file you have selected has multiple pages. To view the pages of this TIFF file use the red arrow keys on the main toolbar
; _WarningInsertMP3=46;
; Warning_46_Title=
; Warning_46=
; This one is handled internally
; _WarningEasyDBRemove=47;
Warning_47_Title=Removal of Files from your DB
Warning_47=You can quickly remove files from your DB by clicking Alt+D or selecting 'Remove from DB' in the right-click menu
; Warning_48_Title=
; Warning_48=
; This one is handled internally
; _warningInsertPosition=49;
Warning_49_Title=Positioning of Insertion Text
Warning_49=To accurately set the position of the inserted text or image, create a selection rectangle (Image>Cursor Action>Rectangle Selection) in the desired position before clicking 'Insert text..'
; _warningRelocateDBFiles=50;
Warning_50_Title=Relocation of DB Source Folders
Warning_50=If you have moved the files referenced by your database outside of the program (e.g. in Explorer) you should use the 'Relocate' function under 'Database>Settings and Source Directories' to advise SPM of the new location
; _warningZipFiles=51;
Warning_51_Title=Browsing Zip Files
Warning_51=You can browse files within Zips (even encrypted ones) just like normal windows folders if you install the Zip Plug-In. Click 'More Info' for download details
; _WarningRedEyeSelection=52;
Warning_52_Title=Performing Red Eye Removal
; Warning_52=For more accurate red eye removal it is recommended that you display the selection box (using Image>Cursor Action>Rectangle Selection) and drag it over the affected eye(s) before clicking the 'Red Eye' button
Warning_52=Drag the displayed selection rectangle over the Red Eye(s), then click the 'Red Eye' button again to remove the excess redness
; _WarningPrintThumbs=53;
Warning_53_Title=Printing Thumbnails
Warning_53=if you wish to print thumbnails or multiple images on a single page, then use the function "Thumbnails>Print/Export Thumbnail Sheets" instead
; _WarningTextAutoScroll=54;
Warning_54_Title=Automatic Text Scrolling
Warning_54=This function will automatically scroll the text as you read it. You can set the scroll speed by using the Period or Comma key to increase or decrease the speed respectively
; _WarningShowSubFolders=55;
Warning_55_Title=Viewing Sub-Folders
Warning_55=You can display all of the files in sub-folders of this folder too. Right-click the folder and check the option "Show Sub-Folders"
; _WarningAutoRotate=56;
Warning_56_Title=Automatic Image Rotation
Warning_56=Many high-end digital cameras set a special field within the image specifying its correct orientation. Using this field your images can be automatically rotated. If your camera does not support this feature you can disable it under File>Options for faster image retrieval.
; _WarningDBSharing=57;
Warning_57_Title=Sharing your Database
Warning_57=You can allow multiple users to search and categorize the same image and multimedia collection by sharing your Smart Pix database. To do this, ensure you specify a shared network folder for your data, and the files you add to your database are in a shared folder
; _WarningSlideshowDisks=58;
Warning_58_Title=Creation of Slideshow Disks
Warning_58=This function creates Slideshow CD's and DVD's for playback on other computers. For a more full set of features, including creation of disks for playback on DVD players, you should use DVD PixPlay. Click the "More Info" button for details
; _WarningSlideshowTaskBarIcon=59;
Warning_59_Title=Slideshow Task Bar Icon
Warning_59=During Slideshow display an icon is shown in the task bar allowing you to navigate or pause the slideshow, and also add the current file to favorites
; _WarningZoomToolbar=60;
Warning_60_Title=Zoom Toolbar
Warning_60=The Zoom toolbar provides real time zooming of the displayed image or video. You can also click the Zoom display text area to quickly toggle between shrunk to fit and full size display
; _WarningRatingsToolbar=61;
Warning_61_Title=Ratings Toolbar
Warning_61=The Ratings toolbar allows you to rank your files. In Full File Details mode you can display a ratings column use Thumbnails>View Columns>Rating. You can also sort by Ratings using Thumbnails>Sorting>Sort by Rating.